We make games

We are a team of five women and non-binary people each with a strong creative vision and a drive to collaborate to make compelling story-driven and inclusive games. 

Jan, Katie, Eileen and Rachel all studied animation together in college in the late 2000s. After graduating, they kept in close contact, helping each other develop as art professionals and often collaborating on projects. Jan and Rachel met our fifth member, Evan, in an opera production. Evan was a project manager and programmer by day, and theatrical director and producer by night! 

Recently, the stars aligned, and we all had time to come together and produce a short game for a month-long Horror Game Jam competition. Not only did we achieve our goal, but we placed Best Overall and ranked #1 in most categories including Gameplay, Story, and Creativity. Clearly, we had something special going, so we decided to form our company, Unlucky Planet Games, with the goal of creating more games in the future. 

We are now working on an expanded, full-length version of our Game Jam game, called “So This Vampire Walks Into a Bar.” It is a lighthearted visual novel, narrative-based game with light horror elements and themes of identity, self-acceptance and found family. We are working hard to ensure that our art, design, and writing remain top-notch, and we are working to implement accessibility features. Once our game is complete, we plan to release it on multiple gaming platforms, beginning with Steam and mobile (iOS and Android).

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